Thursday, July 29, 2021

You Will Comply

Why the vaccine push?

Here's a question for you little totalitarians:  If you are fully vaccinated against Covid, why do you care about the vaccination status of anyone else?

Answer:  You don't.

So why the push, the increasingly hard push, to insist and mandate that everyone get vaccinated?  To argue that this has anything to do with health is disingenuous in the extreme.  No, you are pushing this because you cannot stand the fact that a group of people have a different perspective.  And you want to punish and humiliate them for it.

You have no interest in making a rational argument to convince people that your position is correct.  Rather, you want everyone to bow to your superiority and follow your dictates in spite of their own beliefs:  You may not want to get the vaccine, but you will because I say so.  That is a demonstration of real power; North Korean-like power.  You must be so proud of yourselves.  And you are – smugly proud of your self-righteousness and your ability to inflict your will upon the disbelievers, the heretics, and the dissidents.

It is the same with mask wearing.  But this is so much worse because you are actually injecting foreign, untested substances into people.  With ever-increasing levels of force and coercion.  This is an unprecedented level of power in our society and in the American experience.  We have all heard the expression drunk with power.  But I don't think this is adequate.  It certainly does not capture the sheer glee and schadenfreude on the Left.  No, no, what we have here is masturbatory power writ large.

One straw argument seems to be – let me see if I can capture the logic  that the vaccines are not one hundred percent effective and therefore, the virus can still be transmitted even from or to the fully vaccinated.  Well okay, so there's no harm if I wait for more testing, or God-forbid, just FDA approval.

No, this is not about health, this is about simple compliance.  Even obedience.

You will comply.  Or you will be made to comply.

I have noticed that for the first time in my life, I have started using the word "evil."  And I do not use it sarcastically or flippantly.  This is evil.  And if you support it, you are evil.

You are evil.

I'll tell you something else I am going to do for the first time in my life.  I am going to buy a gun.

I am not worried about Covid.  But I am scared to death of you.

Update, 9 August 2021
The thinking of those on the Left is really difficult to understand.  At least for me.  But here, I think Glenn Reynolds comes pretty close:
Many people simultaneously need to feel that (1) they’re morally and intellectually superior; and (2) that they play an important role in the world.  Mask- and vaccine-shaming allow them to do so easily and with no sacrifice.  The price, of course, is making the world at large a nastier and worse place, while not at all advancing — and probably even setting back — the cause they’re allegedly in favor of.  But it’s not about making the world a better place, it’s about feeling good about themselves.

Update, 10 August 2021
Ben Shapiro doing his thing.