Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Why Bother?

What's the point of talking to the other side?

Over the last decade, it has become increasingly clear to me that the divide between the Left and the Right is irreconcilable.  For a long time, it was arguable that sports could be our one, last shared experience.  But today, just look at how the two sides view sports.  It is like we are not watching the same spectacle.  We certainly view the purpose differently.  Even in this last arena, where we once were united, now as in all else, we are divided.

Sports joins a long list:
We do not view the same television or movies.
Or any of the same media.
We do not read the same books.
We do not read the same journalism.
We cannot agree on our history.
We do not eat the same food or in the same restaurants.
We do not shop in the same stores.
Increasingly, we do not share the same language.
We do not even share the same weather.

Today it is so bad, that we can each observe a situation or event, and yet we cannot even agree on the facts of what we have just witnessed.  We cannot agree on what is a man and what is a woman, and even whether or not these exist.

Some of us want equality of outcomes; some of us want equality of opportunity.  Some of us view racism as the defining feature of this country, past and present.  Obviously, they have not traveled much.  Others know that the United States leads the world in race relations.  The difference here is vast and insurmountable.

Some of us believe that silence is violence and that actual violence is free speech.  And some of us believe that silence is silence and violence is violence.  And the best cure for bad ideas and bad speech, is more speech and differing perspectives.  But the cultural revolutionaries insist that you parrot their every thought.  Aloud.  Or else.

And beyond these real differences, we look down on the choices, observations, and opinions, of the other side.  We do not share the same moral outlook.  We do not share the same values.  And let's face it, we question the morality of the other side.

I know this is true for me.  Take Covid for instance.  I view the way the Left has dealt with this "crisis" as immoral.  At the same time, I refuse to use made-up pronouns.  And of course, they view this as immoral.  Even violent.

I view my wealthy, very left-of-center former friends as immoral.  As they preach their lefty doctrine from their million-dollar homes.  Oh, and look down their noses at average, hard-working, very middle class, right-of-center types.  You know, the guy working in the heat to keep their air conditioner running.

I am not wild about the religious right, and all their similar moralizing.  They can be very cruel to people with a different conception of God.  And certainly to people with no god.  But they hold so little power and influence; their judgements matter little in our world.

I see no point in engaging in any discussion with the Left.  Individually or as a group.  If we cannot agree on basic facts, there is no longer a point of origin.  We can no longer hash things out in the public square, nor in the marketplace of ideas.  We go on our respective television networks and preach to our own choirs.  Engagement with the other side is not part of the equation.  Yes, this is bad, but evidently, in 2021, this is the way we, all of us, want it.

And if you do try to engage, say on an individual level, with your friends or family or colleagues, I think you will find that their starting point is so foreign, that you do not even recognize it.

Dinner conversations that at one time were interesting discussions of current affairs, now revolve, exclusively, around children and their antics (but not their academics, which of course have become politicized).  Although, if we are feeling a bit reckless, we may venture into lawn care.  Just avoid discussing fertilizer choices or your new gas-powered lawnmower.

But let's face it, we no longer have "mixed" dinner parties.  No, not any of the out-of-date definitions of "mixed."  Thankfully, we have put that nonsense behind us.  Although, this too, is a point of contention.  No I mean "mixed" as in ideologically diverse.  Politically diverse.  Can't be done today.

Today's dinner party is an echo chamber.

We are all worse off for it.  But the worst is yet to come.

There will be blood in the streets.

There already is.