Friday, August 13, 2021

Greenwald Breaks Free

System Update Moves to Rumble  

I mean, really, how long before Google takes down this website?  Blogger (Blogspot) is a Google platform.  They already shadow ban much of this site from Google search results.  So we all must find and support new platforms.  I don't like the fact that Rumble charges monthly fees – If you want to take on YouTube, you must provide an equally accessible alternative with comparable pricing.  Nevertheless, we must not allow Google's censorship to remain unchecked.

Here, Glenn Greenwald does an amazing job of taking apart The Washington Post and their perfidious reporting.  Watch to the end; it's worth every minute.  The Post tagline is:  Democracy Dies in Darkness.  Of course it should be:  We'll Keep You in the Dark Or maybe:  Orwellian Totalitarianism Requires Darkness.

Greenwald shines a light on the whole enterprise.