Ayaan Hirsi Ali
If you don't know her story, you should Google her. In 2004, she wrote the text for the short film Submission. The film's director, Theo van Gogh, was murdered several days after its release. His assassin left a letter threatening Hirsi Ali pinned with a knife to the dead van Gogh. You can't make this stuff up.
And yet, Hirsi Ali has continued to write about and speak out about Islam. Here she sits down with Dave Rubin.
It is rather refreshing to go from writing about the low integrity experience of working at Amazon to sharing this video of the person who is setting the global standard for high integrity today. If you like this video, here she is talking with Bari Weiss. Here she is with Ben Shapiro. All three of these conversations are worth your time.
Hirsi Ali has a new book out, Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women's Rights.
Let me quote from the book's Amazon page:
Why are so few people talking about the eruption of sexual violence and harassment in Europe’s cities? No one in a position of power wants to admit that the problem is linked to the arrival of several million migrants — most of them young men — from Muslim-majority countries.
I have read all of her other work. Just ordered this one. She is one of those people who make you ask: My God, what am I doing with myself? What have I contributed?