Friday, October 11, 2024

Covid Testing Conspiracy Theory

Would the government pass up an opportunity to collect your DNA?

I will not venture into:  The government caused Covid in order to achieve X.  I will leave that to other more accomplished conspiracy theorists than myself.  But I would like to lay out a possibility that has crossed my mind.

Let's say you work for the FBI in the Federal DNA Database Unit, which runs the CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) and the NDIS (National DNA Index System).  While it may not be legally possible, would you not want everyone's DNA entered into the system?  Would that not be your dream?  I mean, if you could, you would collect DNA samples from every infant born in the US and from every border crosser of any description.

The more records you have in your database, the more likely you are to find matches.  I'm not suggesting that anyone involved would go to such lengths, but clearly there is an incentive to increase the size of the database.

So Covid comes along in late 2019 followed rather quickly by Covid testing.  Most often a nasal swab, which contains the individual's DNA.  If you worked for the FBI, would you not see an opportunity here?  Never let a crisis go to waste and all that.

Now sure, the FBI cannot be seen to be collecting DNA samples from broad swaths of the American public.  But maybe they could ask the CDC or NIH (or some other supposedly benign "public health" organization) to start collecting previously Covid-tested samples so that they could be "disposed of properly" or for "statistical purposes."  These could be collected, turned over to the FBI, and warehoused until such a time that they could be added to the database.

If done discreetly, this might take years, but they could slowly grow the database.  The goal need not be DNA records for everyone, but simply to grow the database by an order of magnitude or two.  Maybe the goal would be to grow the database to allow familial matches for everyone?  Familial matches for ninety percent?  Fifty percent?  My God, we could eliminate rape altogether!  Just think of the possibilities.

And Covid may not have been the first opportunity to collect DNA samples.  Any patient's blood work, from any laboratory, may have been available to the FBI for years.  Certainly since DNA sequencing became widely available.  Same is true for many forms of medical waste.  Finally, is it really inconceivable that the FBI has backdoors into 23andMe and and other DNA ancestral testing firms?

It really comes down to this.  How much can we trust the government, particularly our intelligence agencies?  And how nefarious do we think they could be?

Nothing would surprise me.