Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ridiculous versus Interesting

How to be ridiculous

More tattoos and piercings
Fake nails and eyelashes
Any bling whatsoever
Constant smartphone use
Social media presence
So-called content creation for social media
Keeping up with the Kardashians
Kardashian-like vocal fry and uptalk affectations
Plastic surgery
Computer/video games

Ridiculousness guaranteed.

How to be interesting

Get a job
Start a business
Read a book
Write a journal
Learn a new word everyday
Keep up with current affairs
Learn to cook
Learn to play the piano
Practice in-person conversation
Take a walk
Take a walk with a friend
Leave your smartphone at home
Go camping

Interesting guaranteed.

Both of these lists could be endless, but I think you get the idea.  My father used to call the type of people who partake in the first list common.  It was about the worst insult he could muster.  But I've never necessarily believed that common equated to bad.  I mean, we all eat at McDonald's occasionally.  But at some point it does seem that the ridiculous became common.  And things that used to be common (as most things in the second list were) became less common if not rare.