Friday, May 10, 2024

A Culture of Cheating and Shortcuts

We need to stop worrying about China

If you read Thomas Friedman, you might come to believe that China will lead the world in the twenty-first century.  But the man knows little to nothing about China or Chinese culture.  He seems to only regurgitate CCP propaganda.

If you watch Winston Sterzel or Chris Chappell you will come away with a new understanding of just how ridiculous China has become.

Both Sterzel and Chappell lay a big part of the blame on the CCP, and I am sure they deserve it.  But I spent a number of years immersed in the Chinese-American community, where I came to understand Chinese shortcut culture.  At least that is how I started thinking about it.

Yes, the CCP are dangerous thugs.  For their own citizens and for everyone worldwide.  Both Sterzel and Chappell have made the point that there is little difference between the CCP/Chinese government and actual criminal thugs.  In fact, the criminals have taken to pretending to be government agents in order to insure victim compliance.  Works like a charm because who can tell the difference?

Sure, because of family ties to mainland China, Chinese-Americans, both residents and citizens, are still heavily influenced by the CCP.  But I would say that the CCP is just as much a result of Chinese culture as the other way around.  If there is any society in the world today that has the government it truly deserves, it is China.

Because the Chinese have a culture of cheating and shortcuts.  This culture and attitude leads to incompetence, lack of seriousness, and dishonesty.  About anything and everything.  Of course, not everyone falls into this.  But is it half?  I don't know, but it is enough that you have to worry about everyone you deal with.  Are those red chili peppers actually red, or have they just been painted red?  Why would you even take the chance?

And I would guess that practically all government functionaries fall into the dishonest category.  Watch a few of these videos, and you will be a lot less concerned about Chinese aggression.  Chinese hypersonic missiles?  Most likely just another scam.  They only recently mastered the ballpoint pen.  And I'm not even sure that is believable.

What about China's nuclear weapons?  Here the risk is so high that we have no choice but to consider it a legitimate existential threat.  And act accordingly.  But I would not be a bit surprised to learn that it, too, is all smoke and mirrors.

All we know for sure is that the Chinese can produce a working water cannon.  It is worth noting that they use their water cannons, and their spy balloons (not satellites), against people who they know will not fight back.  It's typical Chinese government thuggish behavior.  And we all know, thugs only respond to force.

Singapore and Taiwan are both overwhelmingly ethnic Chinese.  While it takes decades, both prove that a society can change its culture and behavior.  But there must be incentives in place.  Judicial or market-driven or even just media-driven.  But you will not find any such incentives in mainland China.  I once read that culture is what a society tolerates.  If you tolerate bad behavior, then you have a culture of bad behavior.  And yes, it is just that simple.  If you don't believe me, you should visit Singapore.

Anyway, here's some practical advice.  It is difficult to avoid Made in China products entirely.  But I would never buy or use any such product with the potential to kill you or cause you serious harm.  China has become a large exporter of automobiles.  I would avoid them like the plague.  And I would never allow myself or my family into one.  Likewise, avoid any food product made in China.  Because you simply have no way of knowing what's in it.  You certainly cannot trust the packaging.

Point is, we cannot and should not take China seriously.  Whether we are talking about overseas aggression or the safety of food exports or automobile manufacturing.

As for the ridiculousness of China's internal culture, treat it like a Keystone Cops movie.  Because that is exactly what it is.