Saturday, March 16, 2024

The End of Thought

You get to choose:  War or a one-party state

I wrote recently that it is time to flee the United States.  Certainly the smart money is in the process of doing just that.  But for those who cannot do so, or are not inclined to do so, what will the country look like?  I mean intermediate term, say the next five to ten years.

Well US citizens have a choice.  They can choose war.  Or they can choose to live under the otherwise inevitable one-party state.

Let's take war first, because I think it is rather easily dealt with.  The possibility of war rests on the fact that Americans are armed to the teeth.  While Joe Biden threatens second amendment types with fighter jets and cruise missiles, any real conflict will be fought with small arms.  Why?  Because the enemy is not confined to any particular state or group of states.  The enemy is next door.  This is why, for all their advanced weaponry, left-of-center types remain so opposed to the second amendment:  They are scared to death that one day someone will simply shoot them with a small caliber weapon.

But we are a fat, rich country of lazy couch potatoes, and armed or not, I just don't see your typical right-of-center American shooting anyone.  On the other hand, I can see left-of-center government types shooting their fellow citizens.

So the left is rightfully scared to death of all the small arms.  And they will continue to erode, and eventually revoke, the second amendment.  And I suppose it is possible that this constitutional treason could spark a war.

But this is not at all clear to me.  How will gun owners react to state-mandated gun registration and later to gun confiscation?  For now, some loudly proclaim bold resistance.  But my guess is that most gun owners will grudgingly comply; so much easier than the risk of becoming an unemployable criminal with a record.

And with their compliance the possibility of war dies.  But as bloody as a second civil war might be, it is the preferable of the two possibilities.

Because short of war, we can only look forward to the coming one-party state.  I view this as inevitable.  What will this look like?  Think the current university environment applied to society as a whole.  But with guns.  Another reason why left-of-center government types want a monopoly on firearms; so they will be able to do anything they like.  And no one can stop them.

So they will be absolutely free to rig the elections on a broad scale.  Who is going to report this?  And who is going to stop them?  No one.

There will be kangaroo courts (we're already seeing this), we will also see an increasing number of political prisoners, and yes, we will see gulags.  Although they will come up with new vocabulary for all of this.  Something less Soviet.  Because Soviet is exactly what it will be.  Something woke and friendly like:  Center for re-inclusion.

If you think Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, and Elon Musk are going to stop this, I applaud your optimism.  But if the government is not able to shut down their content distribution, they will find some excuse to disappear these guys.  I mean if the FBI has to plant child pornography on their laptops, again, who is going to stop them?

Now one final question:  Can we avoid a one-party state without war?  Two points.  First, look at the current tactics of the left, and understand that they are going to get more extreme and more dirty.  Second, for the most part, right-of-center types are not street fighters.  And they are under the illusion that we are in the middle of a civilized constitutional debate.  They could not be more wrong.

How do you have a constitutional fight where the other side completely ignores the constitution?  And the constitution will not provide much protection when the Gestapo shows up at your door looking for child pornography.  I have written before on how, in the United States, the constitutional process is over, and like it or not, right-of-center types need to adjust.  I just do not believe they will, or even have the capacity to, do so; it is not in their nature.

So get used to the idea of life in a Soviet-style authoritarian system.  Sure, you may find full compliance difficult.  But there is one redeeming quality that so many of our fellow citizens truly desire.  Over the last few generations, certainly back to the baby boomers, Americans have lost any faculty for critical thought.

And soon, they won't even have to pretend to think.