Friday, February 2, 2024

Time to Flee?

The Psychosis of the American Left

First let's make a list.  In no particular order:

  • Mass Narcissism  Social media use, tattoos and piercings, smartphone addiction, celebrity culture, the popularity of TikTok and OnlyFans.

  • Urban Decay  Crime, lawlessness, homelessness, and an unwillingness to seriously address these issues.  The people who run our large cities are corrupt and/or incompetent, and as a result the cities do not work and are not safe.

  • Gender  Pronoun madness and the cult of gender ideology, including transitioning children.  And the self-righteousness that surrounds these issues.

  • Woke Ideology  The oppressor/oppressed narrative, the intersectional oppression olympics, patriarchy/privilege ideology.

  • Racial Friction  The current movement against a color-blind society, the promotion of race over merit, DEI and CRT driven racial animus.

  • Reparations  Using the fantasy of reparations to further gin up anger in the black community and interracial discord.  Reparations are a lose/lose proposition:  Pay them and go bankrupt; don't pay them and further aggrieve the black community.

  • Free Speech  The rejection of free speech, censorship, and cancel culture.

  • One-Party State  The desire for single-party rule (as in California) at any cost, and the end of free and fair elections to insure it.  This is why the Left hates the idea of any requirement to show identification to vote.

  • Anti-Semitism  The rise of left-of-center anti-Semitism, and at the same time, the promotion of the ridiculous and factitious concept of islamophobia.

  • Israel Attitude  Israel is the only western-style democracy in a wasteland of autocratic theocracies.  Yet many on the left actively support its enemies.  Hamas kills babies and takes hostages; only the truly psychotic would support these barbarians.  Yet there they are, overflowing on the streets and in our universities.

  • Open Borders  Replacement theory, systemic stress, or merely leftist stimulated chaos?  Drug entry, use, and violence up.  Certainly we see economic migrants as well as an influx of military-aged males without families, most notably from China.

  • Big Pharma  The doping of America:  Over 65 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription.  And over-the-counter drugs sit on top of that.  Further, big pharma has completely corrupted American healthcare, its regulators, and American media.

  • Marijuana  Deregulation, because what we need are more non-productive citizens, who aren't paying attention.

  • Covid Response  The utter insanity of how lefty elites responded to Covid, with lockdowns and vaccine mandates.  But that is not the worst of it.  The worst is how everyday, garden-variety left-of-center types went hysterical.

  • Climate  The so-called climate emergency, the authoritarian possibilities it presents the left, using the Covid lockdown and vaccine hysteria as a model.

  • Energy Policy  Whether it is oil, renewables, coal, nuclear, natural gas and LNG, electric vehicles, consumer appliances, whatever, everything the left does is absolute madness.  All of it.

  • Government  The weaponization of the Justice Department and all other government departments.  The politicalization of the Border Patrol; the FBI has become the DNC's Gestapo.

  • Media  The end of independent media, the rise of the government-media complex.  The end of journalism and the rise of narrative and dogma.

  • Truth  The rise of subjective truth.  In the past we disagreed over the meaning of facts.  Today, we disagree over even the most basic facts themselves.

  • Debt  Unsustainable (and still rising) sovereign debt.

  • Education  The complete collapse of K-12 and post-secondary education, the rise of indoctrination masquerading as education.

  • Foreign Policy  A completely chaotic foreign policy.  Entanglement in conflicts outside of US interests.  Which is part of a greater lack of focus, where our allies cannot depend on us, and our adversaries do not fear us.

  • Political Globalization  Surrendering sovereignty to global entities such as the WEF, WHO, and the UN, run by unelected and unaccountable lefty elites.

  • The Progressive Agenda  The entire academy-led progressive religion.  Let's call it the government is god doctrine.

  • The Obama Factor  The coming Michelle Obama presidency.  This will start, January, 2025.  It will be Obama's fourth term.

Also coming soon:  The rise of political prisoners.  The Left will label right-of-center speech and assembly terroristic or incitement to terrorism and will prosecute accordingly.  They have been testing the waters on this strategy.  It will begin in earnest in the next administration.

That's quite a list.

And writing it out, I could not help but think that there must be some method to the madness.  It's insanity, but is there a purpose?  What we seem to have here is resentment, conflict, deception, and chaos, as political tools.  How long before we see widespread violence?  And maybe some level of violence is the intermediate goal?

But why?  One theory is:  Because then, the people will demand that government do something about it (the violence).  Right?  And the something will be something that ordinarily the people would never allow.  And whatever it is, it will lead to a more autocratic government.  Which of course, is the ultimate goal.  Call this the Rahm Emanuel theory.  Emanuel of course said, Never let a crisis go to waste.  But the part left unsaid is, Even if you first have to manufacture the crisis.

But we have to admit that, there is another other possibility.  What if there is no plan other than chaos and the breakdown of society?  Call this the George Soros theory.  Here I think the people controlling the biggest guns are assuming that it will work out in their favor.  And of course, they're probably correct.  In any case, we will again end up with a more autocratic government.

One final theory, and of course there may be others, is that the above list is completely organic.  Our culture and society have simply deteriorated to this deceptive, violent, and chaotic state.  This is the Occam's razor theory.  And to the extent that lefty elites would acknowledge a problem, this would surely be their argument.  But even if this is correct, at some point we'll see the rise of a strongman or competing strongmen.  And that'll be fun.

Now, who's to blame?  I make this point all the time, but it is impossible to overstate.  I do not blame Obama or Biden or Rahm Emanuel or any of their perfidious ilk.  These guys are simply power-hungry rent-seekers, taking advantage of the cultural milieu, broken as it clearly is.  These guys could not care less about the above policies, or any policies.  They are only interested in policy to the extent that it helps them achieve and maintain power.

No, rather, the fault lies with the half of the country that votes for these policies and votes for the politicians, like Obama and Emanuel, spuriously supporting and advocating for these policies.  That's your neighbors, your family and friends, your colleagues and co-workers, etc.  Half the people you know either actively or tacitly support the above listed insanity.  They are the problem.  They are not going to change.  And what, with their tattoos and drugs and subjective truth and woke ideology, they are too unthinking to change.  And most importantly, they are not going anywhere...

So, I cannot tell you whether it is time to flee, or not.  I can only tell you that I have already left.