Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Attack, by Kurt Schlichter

An Hamas-style attack on America

Yesterday, this site featured a new film that everyone should see.  Today, we bring you a new book that everyone should read.

The Attack, by Kurt Schlichter

Kurt Schlichter (Self published)
7 January 2024
336 pages
$ 24.24 (Hardcover)
$ 16.27 (Paperback)
$  6.99 (Kindle)

* Prices accurate on date of this post.

Schlichter sets the book in late August 2024.  But the truth is, this could happen any day now.  And while this book is fiction, the events it describes will absolutely happen unless the United States returns to a secure border policy, and a common sense immigration policy.  And what are the chances of that?

It's a great book and certainly worth reading.  But I disagree with one of the central themes of the book.  Schlichter believes that if the US is attacked in such a manner, the average citizen will fight back.  Or at least, enough of them will fight back.  But after the incredibly meek response by these same citizens during the Covid lockdowns and mandates, I just cannot agree with him.  Sadly, as we have seen, Americans have become sheep.  And they will be led to the slaughter.

Even more recently, look how people, especially younger left-of-center types (and even the police), have reacted to the Hamas supporters across the West.  Again, meekly.  In the US, they have a First Amendment right to say what they want.  But student visas and such could be revoked.  The FBI could monitor Dearborn radicals like it monitors conservative Catholics.  But in fact, the current administration panders to Muslims.

And as I have written before, if the federal government initiates gun registrations or confiscation, how will most people react?  Let's say for example, in a Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama administration.  My guess:  Compliantly.  In any case, this is one reason I think Schlichter set the book so soon in the future  to ensure that a lot of citizens still had firearms.  And his theory that people would be willing to use them makes for a great story.  I enjoyed it anyway.  But it is fiction.

I think Schlichter would argue the point with me.  And I hope I am wrong.  Though I will add this, if we altered his story just a bit, and the terrorists only attacked blue states (rather than all states as set out in the book), would the outcome not be vastly different?  The terrorists could still do tremendous damage and without being immediately gunned down.

I would like to share two passages from the book.  The first describes woke progressive students and academics, and their attitude towards the Palestinian/Hamas attack on Israel:
It meant that rape and torture and murder were allowed if the right oppressed people did it to the right oppressors.
Schlichter adds:  And they made it clear that this moral construct applied to America as well.  I had not thought about it in such stark and extreme terms, but clearly this is correct.  Remember, the progressives revere Marx and Che Guevara, not Gandhi or even Martin Luther King, Jr.

Second, describing Islamist terrorists:
Some people try to call it madness.  It is not.  Do not think of them as insane.  That gives them a moral pass for choosing a barbaric moral framework.  They are not mad.  They are evil.  And they are usually fully prepared to die in perpetuating their evil, either from pride or what we see as ridiculous promises of paradise with their virgins and so forth.
The only thing I could possibly add is that a good number of ordinary Muslims share that barbaric moral framework even if they do not act on it.  Their religion is not like other religions, and until we accept this reality, we will not be able to counter it.  They do not have a Live and let live mentality.  They certainly do not have a Golden Rule mentality.  Rather their's is the mentality of ancient Arabian raiders:  Convert, submit, or die.  And this novel is a manifestation of that injunction.

Finally, let me say this about Schlichter's ending where the United States bombs Iran, expels all illegal immigrants, kills the Mexican cartels, and builds a serious border wall with a serious border protection force.  What would it take for that to happen?  Under any administration?  In his novel, the terrorists kill 162,172 Americans.  I think that number is correct.  It would take near-about that many dead Americans for our government to do its job, and take proper and responsible actions to protect the country.

How sad is that?

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Climate Scam

Climate:  The Movie (The Cold Truth)

Since Google has shadow-banned this video, I am happy to post it here.  It was initially Unlisted on YouTube.  It was certainly not unlisted by the producers, who want it widely seen, but surely by Google itself.

The film does a good job explaining how scientists were corrupted, and continue to be corrupted, into going along with the climate narrative.  But one thing the film barely mentions is how politicians and other lefty elites have come to preach the narrative.  I mean, what is their incentive?

If you could identify a problem that would allow for, and encourage the public to accept and even demand, leftist, big government, and authoritarian policies, could you come up with something more ideal than the climate narrative?  This schtick ticks all the boxes for the leftist view of how the world should be run.  It does not matter to lefty elites whether it is true or not if it allows them to bring about utopia with, most importantly, themselves in charge, demanding and enforcing how other people live.

So the lefty elites corrupt the scientists with government money and research grants, and the scientists duly report on the problem and how it is getting worse, which the elites use to justify more government and more power for themselves.  It is an ongoing quid pro quo and...

It is the perfect scam.

It is worth noting that Google has also shadow-banned this website (Moore's Twilight Review).  But since I view this site as much a personal journal as a public weblog, this fact does not really disturb me.  Though that said, of course, we all want readers.  Even if you type the complete URL of this site into the Google search bar, they cannot seem to find it.  And how many people know the difference between the Google bar and their browser's address bar?

The left is scared to death of alternative views.  I'm not sure why, but one does wonder if they are that unsure of their positions.  Or are they hiding the absurdity of those positions?  Rather than have an open debate on any number of issues, the preferred tactic of the left is to simply hide the alternatives.  It is a sort of intellectual treason, and the most cowardly thing I have ever actually witnessed.

Google's actions are somewhat capricious.  Search Ace of Spades HQ, a site further to the right than this one, and Google is happy to oblige – Obviously Ace is too big to hide and Google's perfidy would be all too obvious.  And yes, one could make the argument that this site is simply too small to be included in their search results.  Okay fine.  But why deny the URL?

By the way, we're not too small for DuckDuckGo or Bing.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

The End of Thought

You get to choose:  War or a one-party state

I wrote recently that it is time to flee the United States.  Certainly the smart money is in the process of doing just that.  But for those who cannot do so, or are not inclined to do so, what will the country look like?  I mean intermediate term, say the next five to ten years.

Well US citizens have a choice.  They can choose war.  Or they can choose to live under the otherwise inevitable one-party state.

Let's take war first, because I think it is rather easily dealt with.  The possibility of war rests on the fact that Americans are armed to the teeth.  While Joe Biden threatens second amendment types with fighter jets and cruise missiles, any real conflict will be fought with small arms.  Why?  Because the enemy is not confined to any particular state or group of states.  The enemy is next door.  This is why, for all their advanced weaponry, left-of-center types remain so opposed to the second amendment:  They are scared to death that one day someone will simply shoot them with a small caliber weapon.

But we are a fat, rich country of lazy couch potatoes, and armed or not, I just don't see your typical right-of-center American shooting anyone.  On the other hand, I can see left-of-center government types shooting their fellow citizens.

So the left is rightfully scared to death of all the small arms.  And they will continue to erode, and eventually revoke, the second amendment.  And I suppose it is possible that this constitutional treason could spark a war.

But this is not at all clear to me.  How will gun owners react to state-mandated gun registration and later to gun confiscation?  For now, some loudly proclaim bold resistance.  But my guess is that most gun owners will grudgingly comply; so much easier than the risk of becoming an unemployable criminal with a record.

And with their compliance the possibility of war dies.  But as bloody as a second civil war might be, it is the preferable of the two possibilities.

Because short of war, we can only look forward to the coming one-party state.  I view this as inevitable.  What will this look like?  Think the current university environment applied to society as a whole.  But with guns.  Another reason why left-of-center government types want a monopoly on firearms; so they will be able to do anything they like.  And no one can stop them.

So they will be absolutely free to rig the elections on a broad scale.  Who is going to report this?  And who is going to stop them?  No one.

There will be kangaroo courts (we're already seeing this), we will also see an increasing number of political prisoners, and yes, we will see gulags.  Although they will come up with new vocabulary for all of this.  Something less Soviet.  Because Soviet is exactly what it will be.  Something woke and friendly like:  Center for re-inclusion.

If you think Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, and Elon Musk are going to stop this, I applaud your optimism.  But if the government is not able to shut down their content distribution, they will find some excuse to disappear these guys.  I mean if the FBI has to plant child pornography on their laptops, again, who is going to stop them?

Now one final question:  Can we avoid a one-party state without war?  Two points.  First, look at the current tactics of the left, and understand that they are going to get more extreme and more dirty.  Second, for the most part, right-of-center types are not street fighters.  And they are under the illusion that we are in the middle of a civilized constitutional debate.  They could not be more wrong.

How do you have a constitutional fight where the other side completely ignores the constitution?  And the constitution will not provide much protection when the Gestapo shows up at your door looking for child pornography.  I have written before on how, in the United States, the constitutional process is over, and like it or not, right-of-center types need to adjust.  I just do not believe they will, or even have the capacity to, do so; it is not in their nature.

So get used to the idea of life in a Soviet-style authoritarian system.  Sure, you may find full compliance difficult.  But there is one redeeming quality that so many of our fellow citizens truly desire.  Over the last few generations, certainly back to the baby boomers, Americans have lost any faculty for critical thought.

And soon, they won't even have to pretend to think.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Toxic Black Culture

The courage to speak the truth

In the United States, some African Americans are angry that, as a group, they lag behind other racial groups.  But rather than taking responsibility for their own failures, it is easier for blacks to lay the blame for their persistent poor performance on racism.  And while some residual racism surely plays a part, most of the responsibility lies with toxic black culture.

This starts with children.  Having children out of wedlock, children you cannot afford, and children with multiple partners.  And then the parents do not place adequate importance and priority on the education of these children.  The fathers are not in the home and they play little role in the raising of their own children.  So the children grow up without immediate role models, and therefore limited exposure to authority, structure, discipline, respect, and responsibility.  And they are thrust into a world which requires these qualities in order to succeed, or even to just keep up.

So where are the fathers?  We also have to consider employment, crime, violence, and incarceration rates.  It is a cycle and a generational downward spiral.

Look, this is not complicated.  Like everyone else, regardless of race, an African American man must get an education, find and maintain steady employment, find and keep a wife, make a home with her, and then have children with only her, and finally raise and educate the children properly.  In that order.  If you cannot or will not do this, you will fail.  If most men in a community, any community, cannot or will not do this, the community will fail.

I think it is worth pointing out that the black men who have done this are successful, by any standard.  These are the quiet, unsung heroes of the black community.  But they do not receive proper and appropriate credit for their role.  And there are just not enough of them.

I think it is also worth pointing out that white men who cannot or will not do this also fail.  It is behavior, responsibility, and culture, regardless of race.  It is the same for Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, North Africans, and immigrants from Uzbekistan.  In fact, in the United States, the success of any demographic group largely depends on their willingness to follow the above formula.

If you doubt my thesis, just listen to the anger expressed by African Americans today.  It is not anger that an unemployed man has six kids with five different women.  No.  It is, still, anger at the white patriarchy for keeping the black man down.  And since overt racism is largely a thing of the past, today we blame systemic racism.  But with affirmative action, CRT, DEI, and other racial frictions, if anything, today we have systemic black privilege.  And yet...and yet, the black community still struggles.  So it is not systemic dynamics that are the cause of their trouble.  It is culture.

And if we cannot identify and discuss the source of the problem, we will never fix it.  White people are scared to death to address this for fear of being labeled racist.  And black people seem to believe that they get more mileage out of talking about racism, now defined as unequal outcomes, rather than the behavior, responsibility, and culture which actually cause the inequity.  Short term, they are probably correct.

Long term, this is a disaster for the black community.