Thursday, May 26, 2022

All-Cause Mortality?

What are the long term effects of vaccines?

Here's a phrase I had never heard:  All-cause mortality.

I had to listen carefully to understand what she is saying.  But it is crucial.  As Christine Stabell Benn explains it, all-cause mortality has never been studied in any vaccination approval process.  Certainly not with the new mRNA vaccines.

Here's how she concludes:
Unknown to most people, none of the vaccines that we use today in vaccination programs globally were assessed for their effects on overall health before they were introduced.  Everybody was so sure at that time that vaccines did nothing but protect against the vaccine disease, so it didn't seem necessary to test them for other effects.  So once it was proven that the vaccines protected against the vaccine disease, well then any kind of assessment stopped.

Since the rollouts, I have wondered why the researchers seemed so cavalier about the long term effects of the Covid vaccines.  Now I understand that they just don't care.  At least they don't have a history of caring.  Trust the science?  Well maybe.  But think twice about the scientists.  And their companies?  Get real.

Like many people before Covid, I used to think of the anti-vaccine types as a bit nutty.  I mean, can it really be possible that vaccines, or at least some vaccine, causes autism?  Or contributes to it?  I would ask also about peanut allergies, which basically did not exist when I was a kid.  My grade school cafeterias served peanut butter sandwiches to everyone round about once a month.  Something in the last fifty years has caused this.  And I don't think it's global warming.  I don't even think it's neurotic parents.

Turns out, no one knows because no one studies this stuff.  That is, vaccine effects on overall health.  We know nothing about the long term effects of any of the Covid vaccines.  Long term, as in beyond, what, twenty months?

I also wonder if the vaccine Nazis will turn out to be worse than the actual German Nazis?  The dynamics are the same.  Would not surprise me one bit.