Sunday, June 30, 2024

President Michelle

The Obama Theory

Here's a question:  Why has Obama not called on Biden's cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Biden?

Answer:  Because it would automatically make Kamala Harris President and therefore the presumptive nominee for the 2024 election.  And Obama does not want her to be the nominee.

Is there any other possible answer?

But this begs a second question:  Who then does Obama want?

Answer:  Himself.

But okay, since he is constitutionally ineligible, he'll settle for...Michelle.

Of course.

Of course this is the explanation for everything we are currently seeing with Biden.  This explains why they (all of them) have been hiding Biden's true condition.  To keep Kamala out and leave the slot open for Michelle.

Plus this:  As Vice President, Kamala may very well make a big stink if she is not chosen as Biden's replacement.  Of course she will.  She will cry racism!  And sexism!  And this would absolutely work, if the Democrats were considering Gavin Newsom.  And choosing Newsom over Harris will definitely lose the Democrats even more black voters.  But none of this is a problem if Michelle is the replacement.

But there is another reason as well.  Michelle will make a terrible candidate.  As popular as she may be on the left, she's just not very likable.  I think the Obama's are perfectly well aware of this.  So their goal is to limit the amount of time that she has to be a candidate.

And as far as I am aware, the latest they can leave the slot open is until the Democratic Convention.  Which will conveniently provide the opportunity to slip her in over Harris.  Harris will not be happy, but she will be unable to cry racism or sexism.

Obviously both Obamas will vehemently declare that Michelle does not want the job.  But at the last minute, for the sake of the party and for the sake of the country, she will relent, and grudgingly accept the nomination.  They might even extend the convention a day or two for dramatic effect.  I can imagine an intervention by Oprah.  The press will eat it up.

And there are a number of reasons Michelle is a good choice.  The Democrat base absolutely loves her.  She provides a palatable defenestration of Harris, without losing black voters.  And further, Michelle will reverse the black voter exodus to Trump.  But most importantly it is to insure that Barack Obama gets to remain SPOTUS.

Shadow President of the United States

But there is one other little thing.  Consider the Democratic alternatives.  Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, the loathsome Gretchen Whitmer, the long shot J.B. Pritzker; maybe there are others.  Hillary?  None of these guys can beat Donald Trump.  Even from a jail cell, Trump beats these clowns.  No, Michelle is the only viable candidate who can hold the Democratic coalition together and beat Trump.  And this is before we even consider whether the election will be fair.

So my prediction is that Michelle will be the nominee and she will be the next president.  Say it with me:

President Michelle.