Saturday, July 15, 2023

On Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate offers a comic book concept of masculine excellence and what it means to be a man, which no doubt appeals to young, uneducated men with undeveloped principles and limited prospects.  Go to the gym and be a bad ass.

Of course they eat it up.  It's like feeding red meat to the jackals.

Okay fine.

But what I don't hear from him is:  Finish your education, speak and write proper English, read widely, play chess, learn to code, write poetry.  Not to mention:  Be honest and generous, treat people fairly, integrity in all things, etc.  There seems to be no place in his idea of masculine excellence for these qualities and skills.  I wonder if he thinks Magnus Carlsen is a real man?  Maybe.

But how about the youth pastor at your church, who also leads the choir and appreciates a quiet game of chess?  Is he a man of masculine excellence?

Ironically, Tate's father, now deceased, was a noted chess master.

Today, no doubt, Andrew Tate would describe Bill Gates as a man of masculine excellence.  What, with his fleet of private jets and all.  But just imagine if Tate had met Gates in 1975.  Nerdy, scrawny Bill, hapless with women, had just dropped out of college.  And all he could talk about was sorting pancakes.  We can just imagine Tate's sneer.  I mean, if you waste time sorting the pancakes, they're gonna get cold.

I don't really have a problem with Tate's advice.  But he is a simpleton who appeals to other simpletons.  He does strike me as a leader of a pack of wolves.  And I actually think he'd appreciate that comparison.

Let's add more to his definition of a man.  How about get married and be a faithful husband and father.  In this interview, Tate lets it slip that he has children with multiple women.

Here's an idea for what it takes to be a real man:  Be responsible.

Now no discussion of Andrew Tate would be complete without talking about women.  That is, Tate's take on women.  Let's set aside his predatory tone and the fact that he seems to view women as just another possession.  His argument is that the market for high value women is now international.  And if you want a high value woman, you are no longer competing only with the car salesman across town, but also with some hotshot Parisian property magnate with a private jet.  This is no doubt true.

But I think men should carefully evaluate the definition of a high value woman.  Just as the definition of masculine excellence extends far beyond Tate's limited comprehension, surely the definition of high value woman extends beyond a caricature of Meghan Markle or Kim Kardashian?  If a Parisian high-flyer can seduce your high value woman, best to let her fly.  Ask yourself:  Is she really high value?  You might even wonder about the high value status of the Parisian.  It's not a given; far from it.  Turns out, Bill Gates is an unfaithful cad.

But Tate says it doesn't matter.  He makes it clear that fidelity is not part of masculine excellence.  And there's no doubt, Tate's concept of masculine excellence appeals to a certain type of woman.  And yes, there are a lot of them; you see them everywhere.  So of course, Tate preaches his success.  But are these women really high value?  High supply and high demand means cheap; like the market for Tiktok videos.

To the extent that Tate's message is successful, and of course it is, it's due to the deterioration of women's standards.  Ironically, when Tate argues that women have more choices, this should imply that their standards have risen.  But the reality is that women's standards have never been lower.  And using this obvious fact, Tate promotes transactional relationships based on a shared character of the basest variety.  If you doubt me on this, just Google Andrew Tate's PhD course.  There's your man of masculine excellence.

In fact there are very few high value women.  The real problem is that we, as a society, have lost sight of what exactly is a good man and a good woman.  The problem is so bad that young men are turning to a charlatan like Andrew Tate for advice.  Men and women should consider their own definition of high valueHere's mine.  Certainly do not allow a simpleton to define it for you.

But sure, if you want a Kim Kardashian type, take Tate's advice.

30 July 2023

Yesterday Candace Owens also posted an interview with Andrew Tate.  Another long (three hour) interview.  It did not really change my mind about Tate.  But I did watch it to see if it would.

Two notes.  First, I noticed how Tate "reverted" to Islam.  Candace let this go.  But it's a supremacist religion.  You don't convert to Islam, you revert to it.  It's appropriate, a supremacist religion for a supremacist man.  I'm sure he fits right in.

I also note Tate's comments on how when he meets a man, any man, he considers whether or not he could beat the man in a fist fight.  I actually know this is true for many ruffians.  But it's never true for men of good will.  Decent men of substance.  These men.  Besides, there are all kinds of fights.  I know it's trite, but you can take the man out of the ghetto, but it is much more difficult to take the ghetto out of the man.

Tate is nothing but a common thug.