Monday, April 11, 2022

What is a Woman?

If you cannot answer this simple question, how can we trust you about anything?

This is shameful.  The idea that we have to ask, What is a woman?, is shameful enough.  But the fact that politicians cannot or will not answer this ridiculously simple question is just beyond shameful.

Watch this video.  Here is how it ends:
To ask a politician the question, What is a woman?, isn’t a gotcha.  Because they know the answer.  And they know that we know that they know the answer.  It isn’t that they can’t define it.  It’s that they’re too scared to define it because they’ve been so cowed and intimidated by activists.  It would be one thing if these politicians had bought into gender identity ideology to such an extent that they no longer believe in biological sex differences.  I mean, that would be deranged but at least it would be forgivable.  But that’s not what’s happening here.

While most of us have a limited understanding of various key political issues, we can all see that a failure to define woman is either delusional or dishonest.  Neither of which are qualities that we seek in our elected representatives.  The question, What is a woman?, has become a litmus test.  It’s not a gotcha, it’s not transphobic, it’s a means by which we can assess the honesty of the ruling class.  And if they can’t speak openly about the things we all know to be true, we won’t be able to trust them when it comes to anything else.
And that's the real point isn't it?  When you understand this, the What is a woman? question becomes a lot less ridiculous.  The real question is one of trust.  Anyone who says, you are playing word games with an unserious question, well, they are simply attempting to take the focus off the question of trust.  Don't let them.