Monday, March 28, 2022

A Vision For Our Future

The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale:  A Political Fable For Our Time
George C. Leef

Bombardier Books
4 March 2022
268 pages
$ 17.99 (Paperback)
$  9.99 (Kindle)

* Prices accurate on date of this post.

George Leef calls this book a political fable.  My guess is because he has exaggerated the current and coming danger in order to make his points.  But I would have preferred if he labeled it a visionA Political Vision for Our Future would make a better subtitle.

Here's the scenario he lays before us:
  1. The Left gains control of both the executive and legislative branches of government, including both houses of Congress.
  2. The senate completely ends the filibuster.
  3. Both the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico are admitted to the Union as our 51st and 52nd states, adding four reliably Democratic seats to the senate.
  4. Congress passes a law raising the number of Supreme Court justices to fourteen and
  5. The president quickly nominates five additional justices and they are just as quickly confirmed.
  6. The Left then proposes one absurd law after another, which Congress passes, the president signs, and the Supreme Court declares constitutional.
Think about that.  What would happen to our country?

Well I will tell you what would happen.  The same thing that is going on now, only faster.  This book is a vision of the future in fast forward.  If you don't like the direction of this country, the slow but never-ending leftward drift, often nudged and occasionally shoved, you will really find this book depressing.  And worse, after the last few years, can we doubt that any of the above is possible?

Leef's book highlights the immorality of the leadership of the Left.  Notably their sheer lust for power.  Mind you, not the power to make the world a better place.  But rather power for their own benefit and to satisfy their need to be in control of others.  Leef points out that, for all their hand-wringing, the Left actually cares very little about policy.  They only care about policy insofar as it helps them achieve and maintain power.  They certainly don't care about the long term effects and consequences of their policies.  History has proven this time and again; there is no reason to assume the future will be any different.

The book includes the media and the journalists who cover for those same lefty politicians.  Note, not cover them, but cover for them.  As Glenn Reynolds says, they are political operatives with bylines.  It includes the naive, useful idiots who support the politicians, either because they actually believe the propaganda or because they are looking for something for themselves.  Finally, the book includes a cast of characters representing the millions of Americans who are hurt by the progressive sham, often with little or no recourse.  The result of course is an America that is grinding to a halt.

The book ends with the redemption of the protagonist.  And the fable ends with an antidote.  But here I agree, it really is a fable.  In time, this is a vision which will absolutely come true.  But it's like a terminal disease, there will be no antidote forthcoming.

Only misery.