Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Invitation to Anger

A friend sends me a Horace Walpole quote:  No country was ever saved by good men because good men will not go to the length that may be necessary.

I like that, but my first thought was of Winston Churchill, who I regard as the savior of the Twentieth Century and for all his faults, a good man.  So, I proposed instead:  The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.  And I added:  We have to say Enough!

His response:  I’m not sure there are enough of us left to say enough.  I can vote, assuming it counts.  I can speak up, but will be cancelled.  I’m not sure how to stand up effectively.  I know there are a lot who would like to, but how do we do that within the system.  How do we do that and remain ‘good men’?

I was considering our exchange when I came across this piece from Abigail Shrier:
Last week, I spoke with [a] mother who discovered her 12-year-old daughter’s middle school had changed the girl’s name and gender identity at school.  The Gender Support Plan the district followed is an increasingly standard document which informs teachers of a child’s new chosen name and gender identity (trans, agender, non-binary, etc.) for all internal communications with the child.  The school also provided the girl a year’s worth of counseling in support of her new identity, which in her case was no gender.  Even the P.E. teachers were in on it.  Left in the dark were her parents.

This duplicity is part of the plan:  All documents sent home to mom and dad scrupulously maintained the daughter’s birth name and sex.  But Mom noticed her daughter seemed to be suffering.  Although far from alone in declaring a new identity – many girls in the school had adopted new names and gender pronouns – this girl’s grades fell apart.  She became taciturn and moody.

When the mother failed to uncover the source of the girl’s distress, she met with teachers, hoping for insight.  Instead, she slammed into a Wall of Silence:  No teacher was evidently willing to let a worried mom know what the hell was going on.  (Finally, one did.)
Now I don't know about you, but this made me angry.  The fact that they could and do keep this secret from the parents represents a callous disregard for parents and a level of unaccountability rarely found in our society.  Teachers – They don't work for you and they couldn't care less what you think.  And it's not as if they are truly putting the child's welfare first.  No, their priority is their own misguided sense of woke virtue signaling.  Above ALL else, they want to feel good about themselves.

This need alone makes them unfit for the classroom.  Gender Support Plan?  These kids are often not even reading at grade level.  Forget about math.  As a class, teachers are the absolute worst people in our society.

Must we become Walpole's implied "necessary bad men" to fix this?  Obviously, it is not enough to shout Enough!  Today this is an unfortunate reality.  No, we must get angry.

This morning, I read about a school board having citizens removed from their meeting if a citizen had the audacity to criticize them.  I thought, well if five hundred angry citizens showed up, they could not remove all of us.

Shouting Enough! is not enough.  We have to get angry:
I don't care what you call yourself, you narcissistic nitwit, but I'll address you as either he or she, and it is my choice which.  I do not care what you think.

And if you have a penis, you'll not disrobe with our daughters.  We'll arrest you for indecent exposure and place you on the sex offender registry. 
Show me a pregnant man, and I'll show you a person with an XX twenty-third chromosome.
In women's MMA, if you have an XY twenty-third chromosome, you are not a champion, you are a shameful woman-beater.  Go brag about it to your grandmother.  I dare you.
Sure, we can explore inequality of outcomes, but we will not start with the premise that all white people are racists.  We will not stand for that.  If we must discuss it, let's start with cultural factors.
If you bring your woke nonsense into my company workspace, I will fire you.

We don't want the unknown and unknowable flooding across our southern border and bused all around the country.  A nation without borders is simply not a nation.

If you need an ID to buy cigarettes and alcohol, there is nothing wrong (or limiting) about needing an ID to vote.  And honestly, if you are too stupid to secure an ID, you probably should not be drinking anyway.  Or voting.

If you are a convicted felon or a non-citizen, you do not vote.  There is no constitutional right to vote anyway.  And if it were up to me, we'd raise the voting age to 25.

We don't want our cities torched and we do want our police to maintain order.  If necessary, revoke city charters and compel state takeovers.  Send in the national guard, arrest the rioters; audit city hall, jail the grifters.

If the mayor of Chicago can move though the city with half a dozen firearms, I can move around with just one.  Disarming a law-abiding citizen should be a federal crime.

We will not tolerate antisemitism.  We'll deal with you as we once dealt with the fascist national socialists that you so obviously admire.

If your vaccine works, you need not worry about others.  If it does not work, there's no point in forcing it upon others.  You odious virtue signaling petty tyrant. 
Finally, it's time to put cameras and microphones in all K-12 classrooms.  It would be easy enough to limit access to current parents.  Montessori schools have been allowing parent classroom viewing (without informing the teachers) for years now.  Let's remember, public school teachers are public servants, not the minor deities they believe themselves to be.
Now you disgusting dishonest power-hungry maniacs, just leave me alone before I really get angry.

The problem of course is that half the country supports this nonsense, directly or indirectly.  We can get angry and confront them.  With dialogue, which they completely ignore and refuse and censor, or with violence, which if we are not careful is where this is headed.

Or, as I have argued before, we can separate ourselves from them.  If they want to live this way, I suggest we let them.  But let's not be a part of it.  If you are in California or New York or Chicago or Minneapolis, get out.  Leave them to the dystopia that they so strongly desire.  Withdraw your support and your tax money and even your mere presence.

Just yesterday, the people of California overwhelmingly suggested that they like the way things are there.  You think that will change anytime soon?  No, California voters want it this way.  Evidently, they prefer to step over used syringes to get to the ballot box.  Let's leave them to it.  There's no other practical option anyway.

So get angry.  And use your anger  To flee.