Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Good People of the Left

Rob Hoogland is in jail for the crime of being a responsible parent

A couple of days ago, Bruce Bawer summarized this story in A Certain Madness Amok:
[Judge] Bowden placed remarkable restrictions on Hoogland [the father].  He was forbidden to try to persuade A.B. [the 14-year-old daughter] to stop treatment [sex-change therapy].  He was forbidden to address her by her birth name.  He was forbidden, in any conversation with anyone, to refer to her as a girl or to use female pronouns to describe her.  If he were to do any of these things, ordered Bowden, it would be “considered to be family violence” — yes, violence — under the Family Law Act.  That’s par for the course today, when certain words are viewed as acts of violence, while objective acts of violence — such as the use of chemicals to permanently alter developing bodies, and the use of scalpels to remove healthy organs — are regarded as purely benign.
This is an important article.  Leftist thinking on the whole trans issue is truly bizarre.  But hey, if they want to live in a fantasy world of their own making, so be it.

But it is not enough for them to believe it themselves.  They need all of us to believe it.  In fact, they require us to believe it.  It's bad enough that they indoctrinate credulous children.  Now they are outright abusing children; sacrificing children on the altar of their factitious ideology.  Emotionally damaging and even physically mutilating children, without parental knowledge or consent.  Hoogland refers to it as grooming.  But what we have here is state-sponsored child abuse, causing irreversible damage.

And even that is not enough.  If a parent tries to prevent such abuse?  Even if he merely speaks out against it?  Jail him.  He's not a parent, he is a dissident.

If the Left feels free and justified to act in this manner, on this issue, can there be any limit to their exploits?  And their power.  It should be noted that this is not some far-left fringe element.  This is the Canadian establishment.  The more moderate, center-left types either condone this totalitarian behavior or they tolerate it or they outright support it.

We simply must stop thinking of left-of-center types as good people.  They are anything but.