Saturday, January 26, 2019

Definition of Sequacious

Author's note:  The original title of this weblog was Non-Sequacious.  But as my friend, Sherry Shaw, pointed out, that title was pretentious and unspellable.

sequacious, adjective

I suppose my favorite definition is from Merriam-Webster:

2 : Intellectually servile.

And from the Oxford Dictionary (no longer available online):

Of a person:  Lacking independence or originality of thought.

Finally, the definitive definition from the Oxford English Dictionary:
(Login required)

a. Of a free agent or his attributes:  Given to following another or others, especially a leader.

b. Given to slavish or unreasoning following of others (especially in matters of thought or opinion).

I have included a full definition of sequacious in the lexicon.