Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Path Out of Poverty

Maybe this path will not work for everyone.  But if you are reasonably intelligent and ambitious, this is the way.

  • Get as much education as you can.

  • At a minimum, you must learn and use proper English.  This is true no matter where you are.  If you are rich in Malaysia or Guatemala or Kenya, fine, you don't need English.  But if you are poor, master English.

  • Get a job.  If there are no jobs, then you must make your own; find a need and fill it.  Do what needs done; haul water for your neighbors, plant the rice, whatever.  Do not wait for the work to come to you; you must go find the work.

  • Do not have children.

  • Find a partner doing likewise.  Do not look for a partner to raise your children.  Instead look for a life partner.  This is a subtle but important distinction.  Yes, children are a part of life; for many the most important part.  And no, it is not fair, but if you are poor, you simply cannot afford children.  And they will keep you poor.  So make your choice.

  • Also regarding children, you must break from the mindset that only your children can and will care for you in your old age.  Once you breakout of the jail of the poverty-minded, you will discover that you can and should take care of yourself in your old age.  This view of children as retirement is a big part of what keeps people poor; because this mindset encourages people to have children they cannot afford.

  • Get married.  But don't be in a rush.  Only get married if and when you find the right one.

  • Still do not have children.

  • Focus on your (two) careers; make something of yourselves.

  • Never lie, never look for shortcuts.  These are popular strategies of the poverty-minded.  Be honest or stay poor.

  • Along the way, read everything you can, both fiction and nonfiction.  You must learn to learn and learn to think.  These are skills that most poor people just never develop.

  • Also learn to be considerate, grateful, friendly, respectful, and quiet.  Yes, be quiet.  If you think these attributes are beneath you, okay fine, stay poor.

  • Do not surround yourself with poverty-minded people.  Leave them behind.  Leaving poverty most often involves leaving your community.

  • Be faithful to your spouse.

  • Only then should the two of you even consider children.

Yes, it is this simple.  If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you – To serve their own interests, not yours.  The primary key to this path is to have children only when and if you can afford it.  If you cannot manage this, again okay fine, stay poor.  I realize this advice may run counter to the teachings of your faith and/or the desires of your family.  You simply must put these influences aside until you, and you alone, are ready.

And yes, of course this applies in the United States as well.  I have written on that specifically here.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The California Death Cult

On the Los Angeles Fires

I have heard many people blame the local and state governments and their leaders.  I have heard people say, Well they're rich, they can afford it.  And I have heard others admonish them for saying that.  Rightly so.

But let me tell you what no one has the courage to say.  These residents, almost all of them, consistently voted for the Democrat politicians (state and local) and consistently supported the Democrat policies that led to this disaster.  For instance, just to take one example, how many dams in California have been dismantled?  And how much water storage was lost?

The politicians are who and what they are, and everyone knows who and what they are.  So if you vote for them, you deserve what you get.  And even if they do not deserve it, because of course no one deserves that inferno, the residents have no one to blame except themselves.

Everyone needs to understand this.

Here's a prediction:  When this is over, those same politicians and their media operatives will blame climate change rather than their own disastrous policies.  And those same residents will believe them and continue to vote for them.  Ultimately, their answer will be more government and higher taxes to pay for it.  Because, really, it is a religion.  The religion of government.

Climate change is but one of their doctrines.  But it is particularly valuable because if you are a true believer, the only possible response is more government and regulation.

The single-party Democrat government of California is a death cult.  But I should be more clear; it the government, of course, but also the media and the academy, and the lefty NGO's, and mostly it is your Democrat-voting neighbors, friends, and family.  The death cult is the whole left-of-center ecosystem.

No matter where you live in California, get out now.