Friday, November 5, 2021

Tuesday was a Victory?

The conservative pundits have spoken:  Tuesday was a huge victory for Republican candidates and conservative ideas.  And if we define victory by winning, I guess that is true.

But I do not.

Let's start with the concept of winning itself.  Winning is fifty percent plus one vote.  That means you win.  But if you win with, say, fifty-one percent of the vote, it simply means that you lost with half of the voters.  I no longer blame the candidates for this failure – I'll come back to this below.  But come on, it's a pretty thin victory to start with.  Stop pretending this was some "big win."

Okay, you won.  But could we just for a moment look at what you lost.  Let's take the Virginia governor's race.  Due to the sheer insanity and intransigence of local school boards, and the recent (independent) press surrounding this, the race was largely about education.

I am not here to break it down for the reader; plenty of places for that.  But before you claim victory, surely we must acknowledge that half the state voted for the status quo.  Half.  And what they really want is more.  They voted for masking and lockdowns and vaccine mandates and CRT.  And for boys in skirts raping girls in girls' bathrooms.  And for the inevitable government coverup.  And for secret Gender Support Plans.  That is, secret from parents.  And, and, general, for a completely out-of-control and increasingly authoritarian government.

Is it really a victory if half our electorate actively support this?

In Minneapolis, forty-four percent voted to shut down the police department.  That is forty-four percent of actual voters.  If we were to add in the citizens who could not be bothered to vote, and certainly those ineligible to vote, I think we can be sure that the popularity of closing the police department is over fifty percent.

So let me ask you:  Do you want to live in a neighborhood where half your neighbors don't support the idea of a police force?

Victory huh?

Look, I don't blame Terry McAuliffe for being Terry McAuliffe, any more than I blame Joe Biden for being Joe Biden.  No matter what you think of these guys, they are who they are.  And in the internet age, it's pretty easy for anyone to see who they are.  It is not McAuliffe's fault.  No, if you vote for McAuliffe, it's your own fault.

The fault lies with the voters.  Our neighbors.  Our friends and colleagues.  Our family members.  Certainly our friends and family who work for some level of government.

And our teachers.  I would be willing to bet that the largest single block of voters this week in Virginia were teachers.

These are the people at fault.

Teachers are doubly at fault because, for more than a generation now, they have failed their students.  I would argue largely on purpose.  If you want an electorate to support government overreach, you have to patiently dumb down the citizenry over several generations.  This is not a conspiracy; a conspiracy is simply not required.  This is rather what all true leftists want.  And who has been training our teachers for generations now?

This has become so ingrained that current teachers do not even realize what they are doing.  Why?  Because this started before they were even in school themselves.  Our teachers have no idea how completely stupid, er...ill-educated, they are.  They're teachers after all.  Yet, they cannot teach kids to think if they themselves never learned to think.  And you cannot teach what you do not know.  Yet, they are so completely full of themselves.  If you doubt me on this, I urge you to have a chat with one.

So you won on Tuesday.  Congratulations.

Meanwhile, the country is lost...

If you expect to maintain a democracy, you must first maintain a certain education level of your citizenry.  Democracies do not work with the completely ignorant.  If your average citizen does not understand the difference between a man and a woman, how long before the democracy collapses?