Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Religion of Government

Louis Rossmann's New York City Adventures Continue

"Government is simply the name we give to the things we choose to do together."

Does anyone really believe this?  Sadly yes.  But I don't think for a minute that Barney Frank believed it when he said it.  And Obama did not believe it when he quoted it.  But I know there are millions of useful idiots who buy into the idea.  That's why Frank and Obama and others use the line.

I know what Obama and Frank know, but dare not admit:  Government is simply the name we give to those people in charge.  It is simple.  It's about power.

What I do not understand is why and how so many people can be deluded by this idea.  But people are stupid and maybe it is just as simple as that.

This is not an argument against government.  I am not an anarchist.  I want infrastructure and security and justice as much as anyone.  It is not a question of government existence, it is rather a question of government scope.  This is the philosophical question underneath all political questions.

And when we see how bad government can be, both here in the US and abroad, it just boggles the mind how anyone could want more of it.

In this video, we get an update on Louis Rossmann's New York City adventures.  This is a follow up to a post from last month.  Here's a question for the government faithful:  If government is what we choose to do together, who chose for government to act this way?

No one.  So we must admit that government is more than that absurdly naive idea.

Are some governments better than others?  Absolutely yes.  Some are more efficient, responsible, and responsive than others.  So is there any indicator as to whether a government is good or bad?  Let's say we remove cultural differences.  For example, some cultures are more accepting of corruption than others, and surely this has an effect on good government.

So rather, let's look at the different governments in one country.  Ours.  And ask the question again:  Is there any indicator as to whether a government is good or bad?

Here's a proposition for you:  The more government you have, the less responsible it tends to be.

It is worth remembering that everything government does – everything – is at the point of a gun.  But let's not blame government for doing what government does.  Government is what government is.  Rather it is time to blame the people who vote for more and more of it.  It is truly a religion, and these are among the most religious people I know.

And as with any religious conviction, there's no place for reason.