Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Covid Excuse

Why the political divide on Covid?

You would think that a health crisis would be a bipartisan issue.  Short of war, if there is anything that should pull us together as a nation and as a society, surely it must be a pandemic.

Yet, no.  If anything, this illness has further divided our nation.

Rightfully so.

I think the reason for this can be encapsulated in two famous quotes.  Famous, and absolutely correct.

David Horowitz:  Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.

Rahm Emanuel:  You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.

The Left is using Covid as an excuse to do things they would otherwise not be able to do.  I really don't believe they give a damn about the health issue, such as it is.  Rather, why not use the Covid crisis (endlessly hyped by a compliant media) to further your political goals?  And just as importantly, to harm your political adversaries.

You know, all those Right-leaning small business people.  Covid provides an ideal opportunity to screw them.  And the Left is of course doing just that.  Adding their typical it's not what you do, it's who you know to the mix.  Lefty, still operating.  Local cafe:  Close or risk arrest.

I have been inside an Amazon fulfillment center.  The large staff is on top of each other.  Much higher risk of Covid spread there than in your typical coffee shop or restaurant.  I must add that Amazon and its employees are doing a very difficult job under trying circumstances.  And I thank them for it.

So my argument is NOT to close Amazon.  Rather, it is to allow all enterprises to operate freely.  Let adult Americans choose whether to work and patronize, or not.  Allow the fearful to stay home; allow the rest of us to get on with it.  But of course this idea is anathema to the progressive Democrat mindset vying for control of their chattel, er...citizens.

Of course there are people making these decisions:  Amazon is essential; the local cupcake shop, not so much.  Three points on this.  First, the people making these decisions are still being paid.  Second, I can assure you that the cupcake shop is essential to its owner and her staff.  And finally, I would argue that these decisions are driven by political motivations more than health care concerns.  Again, let's trust American adults to do what's right for themselves and their families.  Anything else is just shameful.

In my previous post, I wrote that live and let live is one of my guiding principles.  Regardless of what they may proclaim, this is simply not true for most people, left, right, or center.  Most want others to think and act as they do.  What is so insidious about the Left, is they do this not with persuasion, but rather with coercion.  The coercive power of government.  And everything government does – everything  is at the point of a gun.

To be fair, the religious right is not immune to this tactic.  Given the opportunity, they would outlaw abortion and gay marriage, and force their beliefs and desires on others, also with the coercive power of government.  Regardless of their motivation, this is every bit as pernicious.  But it is the Left, the true believers in government, the government faithful, where this tactic is accepted and promoted in all matters.

So if you are a fundamentalist Christian or a garden-variety Democrat and you support this behavior, well, you are just as bad as your political elites pulling the levers of power.  Make no mistake about it, you are not a good person.  Leave me alone.

Leave me the hell alone!


This will end.

We will resist or we will conform.

The elitist Leftists will try to bankrupt all of their political opponents.  But that will not be enough for them.  Because their political opponents will still exist.  And they simply cannot tolerate that.

So they will come for your freedom:

They will come for your free speech (in progress).

They will come for your businesses (free enterprise).  They will come for your churches (freedom of religion).  They will come for your schools.  They will come for your health care.  They will come for your automobile (freedom of movement and assembly).  They have a head start on these.

They will criminalize any behavior that does not conform to their political viewpoint and narrative.

They will come for your homes and families and children.

They will come for your guns.

After all, your homes and your children and your faith, and especially your guns, make those rich elitist lefty hypocrites very nervous indeed.

They do not actually fear guns.  What, with their armed security details, they are surrounded by them.  And they absolutely LOVE guns in the hands of a government they control.  No, what they fear is guns in the hands of the average, law-abiding citizen.  Scares them to death.

No, this is not about Covid.  This is about power.  Covid is merely the excuse.  It is the convenient crisis of the moment.  A supposedly once-in-a-century pandemic is too much of an opportunity for the progressive totalitarian Democrats to waste.  And the Left will use it, is using it, to their advantage.


We'll see.

But the time for resistance is upon us.